Social Commentary

I Ordered a Kindle!

In books, reading, reflectons on January 9, 2011 at 1:10 pm

(The following post is a follow-up to:

I did it!  I ordered a Kindle–the one with the WiFi and all that stuff.  With my birthday and Christmas money, I put a little with it and…I bought a Kindle. 

Recently, my aunt ordered herself a Kindle.  I was going to wait and see how she liked hers, but I couldn’t…wait.  So, I went ahead and placed the order on  

So, now I need a case.  I scoured websites looking for a Kindle case.  I like the case with the attached light that is sold on  But, I didn’t want to spend that amount of money for a case–not now, anyway.  I ended up ordering a $20.00 case off of Ebay, which was recommended by my Aunt.  

I am so excited about getting my Kindle–I hope it lives up to all of the hype I’ve been reading about it.  I find myself looking out of the door to see if a “small package” has arrived from UPS, although I know it’s not supposed to arrive for a few days, yet. 

So, I spent yesterday browsing The Kindle Store on  I even saw where I could download the Kindle application onto my PC.  Had I known that, would I have…?  After thinking about it for a while, the answer is yes.  I would still have ordered The Kindle, because I can take the eReader anywhere. 

Now, I’m even more excited about getting my little package.  I’ve been reading those first chapter freebies and browsing books like nobody’s business.  I’m half way through the first chapter of The Help–based on the first chapter, The Help might be the first book I order on my new Kindle.

Tragic Shootings in Arizona

In In the News, Politically Speaking on January 8, 2011 at 4:06 pm


Tragically, shootings have taken place, today, in Arizona.  For more on this story, please visit:  Victims include Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona and several others.

The hatred in the country is truly unreal.  What is going on?  How can a person just go up to a congresswoman and shoot her in the head, kill a child, and injure and/or kill several others?

I pray for the victims and families of this senseless event in Arizona.  My heart cries for them and other victims of such violence and evil. I am saddened and furious that such horrific acts take place in a “civilized” country.  

May God help and keep us all.

Related news stories can be found at:

(Source: AOL News, Politics Daily)

(Source: AOL News)

(Source: AOL News)

Happy Day After Christmas

In reflectons on December 26, 2010 at 1:12 pm


I hope all is well and that everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  I had a nice holiday.  But, now I am exhausted and probably will not get dressed today.  Instead, I will stay in my comfy robe and do this and that around the house—nothing too strenuous.  It doesn’t get much better than that.